Monday, September 9, 2019

I have tried to write this post about 10 times but I just can't seem to hit send but I think I am ready for this.

So my older daughter got really really sick and sadly she passed away this summer.  I am just taking one day at a time ( I am not going to write what happened as it is too personal) , but I just wanted you guys to know why I haven't been on here for a long time.

I am hoping sometime in the next few weeks to write some book posts here is what I am planning:

1: Books I want to read in Fall
2: Book I read this summer.

I am just taking one day at time so I don't want to plan too far ahead.


  1. Viki thank you for your email and I hope you got my reply. Taking one day at a time is all you can do. Holding you in my heart and your family as well.

    1. I did get your email, thank you for that. Thank you, Kathryn. Just trying to deal with every day that comes.

  2. My condolences. You are certainly reading a wide variety of books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
