Book goals:
Read at least one or two halloween type books for me ( it is will problably be cozy mysteries)
I did not read any Halloween type books this time.
Things I want to do with my daugther:
Go to a pumpkin patch in Oct
- We went there and she had a great time. There was a lot of stuff for her to do.
Go to a petting zoo/farm near our house
- We did not get to the petting zoo, but she did get to feed a goat and see other farm animals at the pumpkin patch!
Read fall type books to her and get her jump in leaves for the first time
Lots of fall and Halloween books ( mostly the same one of course) and we have gone to the park many times and she has jumped in the leaves!!
Go to a toddler drop in class where she can meets kids her ages
We did not get to toddler drop in class, let's hope next month I do!
Blogs goals:
Post more reviews
I have posted more reviews, so I am happy about that!
Post more tv/movies posts.
I haven't write any tv/movie posts, hopefully that changes next month.
Puzzles goals:
Finish the puzzle I am doing and start on the fall puzzles before November is here.I
I am currently doing a fall puzzle right now, so I am happy about.
Here is Nov/Dec goals:
- Go on a Christmas train around the park near us
- Read Christmas/Winter books ( at least 5 books)
- Write a blog post for any Christmas movie I watch
- Take my daughter to drop in toddler class
- Go to storytime more often at the library
- Do Christmas crafts with my daughter